Pr. Radouane Majdoul

Pr. Radouane Majdoul was born in Meknes, Morocco, in 1969. He received his Engineering degree in Electrical Engineering from the Higher Institute of Technical Education (ENSET) of Rabat in 1991. In 1997, he successfully passed the external aggregation contest. In 2012 and 2017, he received his M.Sc and Ph.D, respectively, in Automatic Signal Processing and Industrial Computing from Hassan 1st University – FST of Settat, Morocco. In 2018, he joined Hassan 2 University of Casablanca, Morocco. Currently, he is a Research Professor at the Laboratory of Complex Cyber Physical Systems at the National High School of Arts and Crafts (ENSAM), Department of Electrical Engineering. His research interests include control strategies for power electronics converters, multilevel inverters, PV systems, AC machine drives, renewable energy, smart grids, and Power-to-X.